A New Year
As arbitrary as our current time-keeping systems are, the new year is off to a good start for us. I am feeling quite optimistic, as I am convinced that things can only get better.
On New Year's Eve Peter and I celebrated our 20th (!) wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful party with a delightful group of people, but the odd thing was that afterward everyone was convinced that there were ten of us there, when in fact there were only nine people (physically and identifiably) present. Who was the tenth person? Someone was obviously very strongly there with us "in spirit", but we don't know who it was. Trying to guess, though, has pleasantly reminded me of all the wonderful people who have been a part of our life over the past twenty years.
Since Patrick has a new camera and is obviously a much better photographer, I asked him to take a picture of one of our wedding pictures that I dug out in the morning and to attempt to take a reasonable picture of his parents together that evening. That didn't work out, however. He said he might take more pictures of his family, if his family would volunteer to be more interesting, but as it is ...
But he did take a nice picture of the table.

Happy New Year to everyone!
On New Year's Eve Peter and I celebrated our 20th (!) wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful party with a delightful group of people, but the odd thing was that afterward everyone was convinced that there were ten of us there, when in fact there were only nine people (physically and identifiably) present. Who was the tenth person? Someone was obviously very strongly there with us "in spirit", but we don't know who it was. Trying to guess, though, has pleasantly reminded me of all the wonderful people who have been a part of our life over the past twenty years.
Since Patrick has a new camera and is obviously a much better photographer, I asked him to take a picture of one of our wedding pictures that I dug out in the morning and to attempt to take a reasonable picture of his parents together that evening. That didn't work out, however. He said he might take more pictures of his family, if his family would volunteer to be more interesting, but as it is ...
But he did take a nice picture of the table.

Happy New Year to everyone!
Sorry, Paddy, but that is a deeply boring picture!
Thank you for that vote of confidence, Francis! I have to admit that it is not exactly uplifting to be implicitly told by an almost-15-year-old that a table is more interesting than I am.
But of course it is all my fault, according to Paddy. Everything is my fault - but thank you for the Snickers bar, Paddy.
Well, a Snickers bar in the hand is worth infinitely more than any binary post-ironic statement out there!
Good for you, Paddy.
You see what she's doing? She's manipulating us all!
... thus speaks the master manipulator.
Honestly, though, sometimes that is a mother's only form of self-defense - that and guilt (ask Christopher). We mothers don't always have a lot of options left open to us.
Well, a Happy New Year to you all.
I'm glad it's beginning well.
Have they really made the Hauptplatz Christmas tree truly vertical this year?
Or merely adjusted the webcam?
Now if I could just guilt him into paying attention to his spelling ...
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