2 sentences
How am I to write a blog-post if I'm in a position where I feel it hard to write anything. Not to seem melodramatic, writers-block simply is a pain. I just read through all the latest blog-posts and feel the need to write something about Amy. About how I don't really want to add another post, but feel that writing about the democratic burp in Austria, or the difficulties that the final year of school brings, would be in a sense ignoring something. I know what to say just not how to do so. I don't particularly want to echo my mother, but...
I have to say how special Amy was to all of us, that I didn't really know how to react. That I still feel like Amy has to be there, though my brain screams the opposite so loud that it's almost audible to other people, there to make sarcastic remarks, just there, across the pond.
The more I think about the whole situation the more frustrated I get. With myself really because my mind keeps on racing until I end up somewhere where I begin to wonder how in Gods name I even got there. Even a thought like this one makes me think of school again. I must have taken the wrong subjects, I feel compelled all of the time to compare things to things I learn in history, which can get very disturbing.
I've been thinking about Joseph a lot lately. I think that I don't even want to imagine how bad it was/is for him. Yet even writing that makes me feel bad in a way. I'm so unsure what to write lately, or better put how to write what I think, or even what I'm thinking. It's constantly like I'm walking into the store to buy light-bulbs and forget the German word for them so I can't ask where they are. When it comes down to it, this short post describes my sentiment perfectly. I started out by saying that I wanted to write about Amy, I ended by realizing I didn't really. Here I am laying out my plans like I'm always told to do in school and I write 2 sentences about Amy.
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