Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Here we go again

Yesterday Christopher had a long talk with the school director that seemed to do his confidence a lot of good. He seemed much calmer when he came home, but I thought his eyes seemed a little too dark. Apparently that must be another sign to watch for: in the evening he started not feeling very well, and things went downhill very quickly. We gave him the pain medication that his doctor had recommended last week, though, so his temperature didn't start rising too quickly and the headache was held at bay so he could sleep.
After sleeping for thirteen hours straight through, he is up now, but although he is sitting on the couch with his eyes open, he isn't really there. He is just confused and dazed and very weak, but at least he is not in great pain. While this is hardly a pleasant state, at least it seems manageable for now. We don't need to take him straight to the hospital, so I can keep working in between checking on him regularly.

I'm going to have to stop working soon, though, to have lunch ready as soon as Paddy gets home from school. Ever since he suddenly passed me up in height last week, the poor kid has been permanently starving!


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