Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This may be a long night

It is now half past eight in the evening here in Austria, and I am feeling a bit nervous, so I thought it would be reassuring to imagine that the people who love us might read this and be thinking of us.
Christopher has been getting steadily worse all day, but he didn't want to go into the hospital yet, so we decided to try it at home. Paddy kept him company on the couch all afternoon, I took over later as Christopher's temperature started rising. After about seven it started rising dramatically and he was feeling miserable, but still conscious, and he said there was no point in going to the hospital then, when no one would be there who could do a spinal tap. When his temperature went above 39, I got nervous and called Peter, who made more phone calls. The hospital agreed with Christopher, and I just spoke with our family doctor on the phone, who said that we should keep an eye on him all night, watch his breathing and give him another pill if he wakes up in pain, but as long as he is sleeping, we will just let him sleep in his own bed tonight and take him in in the morning. Since he was conscious enough to climb into his own bed on the top bunk, this should be ok.
This is our first attempt to keep him at home, but I think it is better for everyone, if we don't have to take him in. We'll see how his headache is in the morning, if he still needs to go in for a spinal tap, or if he can cope like this.
But I think I need to walk away from the computer now. This might be a good time to do some ironing.


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