Friday, March 17, 2006

Up and down and all around

This day has been so crazy, I completely forgot about posting an update to the blog, until I received a very thoughtful message from Jean.

So this is the update: Christopher's temperature stopped rising yesterday afternoon, so he went to school today and has had a normal day. He still seems a bit tired and a bit low, but otherwise all right so far. I suspect this means that another episode is coming, but it isn't here yet.

We also received the report from the psychologist today, which I will attempt to summarize. If I can explain it at least somewhat coherently in English, at least Amy might actually understand it.

*intellectual abiltiy: average to above average
*thinking: adequate in content and form
*attention: short-term selective attention low average; on the basis of the presumed intelligence before meningitis (indicated by the tests), a slight impairment is to be assumed, a clear impairment in complex stimulation constellations
*stress tolerance: reactive tolerance decreases with complex stimulation under time pressure
*memory: short-term general memory capability, short-term verbal and visual memory above average; significant differences suggest lateralization; however, an increased process of forgetting is displayed, and differences in performance suggest organic causes.
*executive functions: mosaic tests (?) indicate behavior planning in keeping with the norm (I assume that means for adolescents)
*affectivity: indications of slight depressivity
* on the whole there are reasons to suspect slight brain-organic components

There is a recommendation for cognitive training emphasizing longer-term attention and developing mnemotechniques.

The report generally makes sense to me in German, but psychology is definitely not my area of expertise as a translator. On the whole, it simply confirms our observations.


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