Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Where did this month go?

Last week I got to go to London for a few days to gather information from artists and art people there that might be useful for their counterparts here in Linz. Since I ended up spending the better part of both Wednesday and Saturday sitting in airports, I really only had two days to meet with people, but it went well and I enjoyed it very much. It is amazing how much work can accumulate in just that short amount of time, though. Since I got back Saturday evening it feels as though I have been running and running to try to catch up with work and family and various other responsibilities.

Paddy seems to be doing quite well these days, and I am glad that Peter enjoys his company so much. He also seems to have found at least a few things at school that entertain him, and he passed his main German test a few days ago, so he doesn't have to worry about that now.

Christopher, on the other hand, complains about having to work so hard, but the crazy guy has no idea what work means – at least that is the impression that Peter and I have. He hasn't been sick again, though, and I am almost ready to start hoping that it might actually be over. I hope it doesn't bring bad luck to state that in public like this, but occasionally I have the feeling he might be getting ready to get his life back together.

This year Peter and I decided to give each other a weekend away together, just the two of us, for our birthdays. We are not going very far, but thanks to generous contributions from his family, we have a nice room reserved for us this weekend at a nearby spa hotel. I never would have thought that I would want to go to a place like that, but the idea of being able to just sleep and read and go in and out of a sauna and not have to think about cooking or washing up or organizing anything from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon is the most desirable luxury I can think of right now.

And I am not going to think about whether leaving Christopher alone with only his brother to supervise is a wise or safe thing to do.


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