Monday, April 17, 2006

Quiet Easter, quiet afternoon

Sleep is good.
It was obviously good for Christopher to go to bed at 8.30 in the evening the other day, because he got up the next morning looking more refreshed than he had all week - and promptly entered into major battles with both parents about having to "work so hard". Yesterday evening when I spoke with Jim and Sara on the phone and they asked how he is, the best I could say was that we haven't strangled him yet.
After we all calmed down a bit, we had a nice quiet Easter yesterday. Although the Easter bunny no longer leaves trails of candy eggs all the way down the hallway, I felt I had to do something special, so before I went to bed I set the table with a tablecloth and our best dishes and put out a few special sweets that I got for Easter so that it looked nice. Once again, Peter couldn't stick to the "no presents" rule and had gotten books for each of us (an audio book for me to rest my eyes), which was lovely, except that the consequence was that Peter was the only one without a little wrapped present next to his plate. I'll have to think of something creative to rectify that.

I spent the day reading (not listening to) a novel, Peter made Wiener Schnitzel for lunch, and it was a nice quiet day. In the evening Christopher went to a concert, and as we had agreed that he can stay out later than midnight once a month until he turns 16 next month, this concert was this month's choice and we agreed that he would be home by 3 a.m. Patrick has recently been engaged in a debate on the Internet Movie Database forum about how to spell the sound that a light saber makes, so he offered to keep me company waiting for Christopher and we watched "Star Wars - The Clone Wars" together until I heard Christopher's key in the door at exactly 2:59.

Now Christopher, having allegedly studied all morning while I was at the office, has gone off to visit a friend, annoyed with me because I said he couldn't stay out until midnight tonight, and Patrick has gone to spend the night at Vedad's. They hardly see each other at all during normal school weeks, but I'm glad they still spend much of their school holidays together. Peter has gone to the workshop to pack, because he is leaving for Japan tomorrow, so I am at home alone this afternoon.

Now the quiet is starting to feel slightly unnerving. I'm so used to tuning out noise all around me to work, it feels as though I can't really concentrate without the noise. That can't be good.


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