Entertaining Men
This evening, however, I took my three men out for a nice dinner to celebrate the publication of Art and Revolution. Now I have the feeling that being able to spend an evening like this in the company of my three favorite people in the world is more than just compensation for the years of frustration and limitations. Christopher and Patrick both have such a wonderfully wicked sense of humor, a great appreciation of the absurdities of this world, but they are also interested and interesting, and it is a delight to hear what they are thinking about. The stories they tell about school leave me helpless with laughter (although I must admit that I have some misgivings about parent-teacher conference day coming up soon – I can only hope that their teachers have a sense of humor as well), and I am most grateful that they have their father's gift of not taking themselves too seriously. Some of their most hilarious stories relate to their own mishaps in PE, for example. They have their own views of the world and current events as well, surprising well informed sometimes, but never humorless.
Even though I feel I worked very hard to earn this privilege, it is indeed an amazing privilege to be able to spend an evening like this with my three men, to simply enjoy the exquisite pleasure of their company.